Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Easiest Way to a Saltwater Aquarium: Part Two

Live Rocks down in an Aquarium

Aquariums are beautiful in their own right, particularly those that are large enough for the viewer feel as if they are transported to an underwater wonderland. For many individuals the inside of a glass aquarium is as close as they ever will come to the wonders of the world under the surface of the ocean, and for that reason an aquarium as close as possible to the natural habitat of the residents is a joy in itself.

Living stones, rocks, which are covered with both micro-and macroorganisms to help digest the waste produced by the fish, are an essential part of any natural ecosystem. For that reason it makes sense that they would be an important part of an aquarium and the environment. It is not as simple as a stone dropped into an aquarium and the possibility of all manner of things to grow on, however. There is a process that must be followed to ensure optimal benefits for both the large aquarium and the live rock.

It is very easy to cure live rock in the aquarium before, but this is an important step that should be taken to prevent an accumulation of ammonia in the tank, which may adversely affect the fish. To cure live rock, first select a plastic container of a suitable size to the amount of live rock where you work, fill it with salt water. Then place a heater and water pump in the tank "for an optimum temperature and circulation. After the water has reached the desired temperature remove from the stove and a pump, and half of its moisture content than preclean the rock in a bucket of salt water by swishing it around for any losses organisms and debris and place it in the water, pretreated. Then install the heater and the pump and let nature do its thing!

The process is done when an ammonia reading of the water in which the rock is located at zero and it is no longer to give an unpleasant odor. At this moment it is safe to the rock in your aquarium and let Mother Nature has the perfect filtering system works for you.

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