Friday, October 31, 2008

The Easiest Way to Prepare a Saltwater Aquarium: Part 3

30-Day Cycling Processes

The importance of the thirty-day cycling process can not be underestimated This is a vital part of the ecosystem of each aquarium. The exact processes taking place during this session, but often not explained well, but it may be very small and not well explained without a degree in organic chemistry can understand a word being occur.

The truth is that, while the nitrogen cycling is a complex one and it is not in any way is impossible to the average citizen to understand. James from the Games Kostich unlimited water took time to gather together a comprehensive, day after day explaining the processes that occur within thirty days of a simple bicycle enthusiasts to the aquarium is designed to understand. This interpretation can be found, however, the process for a short period summarized below.

If you are using fish and cycling to activate the process of taking a great deal of care. While the first day of days is likely that there will be no ammonia in the reservoir, and by the end of the third day of these levels have reached near toxic. It is important to carefully monitor the fish during this crucial stage of the State, it might be better to use an artificial source of ammonia to move this process. This will allow you to strike the right balance in your tank water without friends at risk. While the levels of ammonia is the beginning of the high bacteria began in the first phase of growth.

By the fifth day of the first phase of the bacteria has begun, it will metabolism of ammonia to nitrite. This process will be also established before the end of the first week. At the end of the second week ammonia levels will be completely safe for fish and nitrite will be in a rush. From here until the day some 27 second stage bacteria will start to the Metabolizing nitrate to nitrite. By day 30 of ammonia and nitrite should be all levels, but non-existent according to levels of nitrate and up to the peak of bacteria are also capable of dealing with the maintenance of the chemical composition of water.

This is an example of Mother Nature to minimize imperfections in the purification system to provide your fish with the perfection Habitat. We hope that you have chosen to artificially stimulate the process of recycling firm even before the introduction of your fish. If you have not very important to maintain a very close eye on them while the tank is currently in the process of cycling. The increases in the levels of ammonia and nitrite can be severely damaging to the fish if it were very high for a period of time, and that it was likely to begin to show signs of distress during these periods of the process of cycling. If this becomes severe conditions can help to change part of the water for the dilution of these products.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Easiest Way to a Saltwater Aquarium: Part Two

Live Rocks down in an Aquarium

Aquariums are beautiful in their own right, particularly those that are large enough for the viewer feel as if they are transported to an underwater wonderland. For many individuals the inside of a glass aquarium is as close as they ever will come to the wonders of the world under the surface of the ocean, and for that reason an aquarium as close as possible to the natural habitat of the residents is a joy in itself.

Living stones, rocks, which are covered with both micro-and macroorganisms to help digest the waste produced by the fish, are an essential part of any natural ecosystem. For that reason it makes sense that they would be an important part of an aquarium and the environment. It is not as simple as a stone dropped into an aquarium and the possibility of all manner of things to grow on, however. There is a process that must be followed to ensure optimal benefits for both the large aquarium and the live rock.

It is very easy to cure live rock in the aquarium before, but this is an important step that should be taken to prevent an accumulation of ammonia in the tank, which may adversely affect the fish. To cure live rock, first select a plastic container of a suitable size to the amount of live rock where you work, fill it with salt water. Then place a heater and water pump in the tank "for an optimum temperature and circulation. After the water has reached the desired temperature remove from the stove and a pump, and half of its moisture content than preclean the rock in a bucket of salt water by swishing it around for any losses organisms and debris and place it in the water, pretreated. Then install the heater and the pump and let nature do its thing!

The process is done when an ammonia reading of the water in which the rock is located at zero and it is no longer to give an unpleasant odor. At this moment it is safe to the rock in your aquarium and let Mother Nature has the perfect filtering system works for you.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Easiest Way to Install a Saltwater Aquarium: Part One

Establishing the basic needs of the tank

All have admired the large saltwater aquarium that can be found in the offices of most dentists, doctors, cosmetologists and marine, but the fans were believed to be too much work to bring in their own homes. Fortunately, this is not the case. While the process of salt water, establishing an aquarium can be a costly, in terms of manual labor there is a very simple method that almost guarantees success.

Step 1: Assemble and prepare equipment. During packaging and production aquarium and all its parts are almost certainly been exposed to various pollutants, such as dust and chemicals, which will be very harmful for fish if it is allowed free reign in the aquarium. Before using any piece of the aquarium should be washed with hot, fresh water and cleaned with a soft piece of cloth to avoid scratching.

Step 2: Place all the components of the tank, without adding any of the decorative features. Then fill the reservoir to the fill line (which may or may not already be listed on the aquarium-2 to 3 inches from the top is usually enough to avoid serious repercussions when the tank is clean or fed fish) with salted water (if have chosen to make your own brine solution below to read the instructions). Turn on the tank and can run for 24 hours to ensure that all components are fully functional.

** Make your salt **

Ocean water is the natural habitat of all marine species of saltwater and, consequently, the best source of salt water for any aquarium. If the ocean water is not available, however, and the owner of a saltwater aquarium does not want to buy a pre-made saltwater solution is possible to make salt water. It 'important to use a mixture of sea salt that is devoid of impurities, rather than common salt during the creation of salt water in order to reproduce the natural environment as accurately as possible. These mixtures can be purchased at any store specializing in the sale of tropical fish.

Step 3: Landscape your aquarium. Organics are not only more aesthetically pleasing than their plastic, they provide a more pleasant environment for fish as well. Bearing in mind that the use of fish normally the man what they believe to be decorated as a refuge in the wild when it is important to consider the types of fish will inhabit the tank before choosing its decoration.

Step 4: Start the day 30 cycling process, during which the ammonia should be tested regularly. This can be done with or without fish in the tank.

Following these simple steps allows the Navy passionate amateur withdrawal put their fears and enjoy the benefits of a happy, healthy aquarium in the privacy of their homes.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Youtube Video : Starting A Saltwater Aquarium The Easy Way Segment

Youtube Video: Saltwater Aquarium

Aquariums saltwater from A to Z: Buying an Aquarium

There are a million different kinds of aquariums in the market, and with a number of options available and the fact that there is no guaranteed formula for success to create a saltwater aquarium will be very difficult for individuals to choose the type of aquarium they should buy. There are several factors that must be considered before a biologist will never set foot in a store pets.

The first is size. As normal as possible a voice aquarium is a clear example of when size matters. The size of the aquarium should be sufficient to hold the type and amount of fish that the owners intend to place in the. As you will not try to make a large gold in the small bowl you should not try to make a big fish in a small aquarium. This is especially true if you try to add a small carnivore, as one of the seeds from small sharks, to your home. Predator require space for a swim or later they will make their own mad and even perish from jail (and a bit melodramatic, Victoria, but actually true).

There are several options for the size when it comes to aquariums, shops and pets can be a good help for consumers to tell the size of the best will meet their needs.

Other considerations are material. Glass and acrylic are the two options most available in the market at this time. Each has advantages and disadvantages. The most popular glass more than two because of the fact that the greater the beginning, which allows parties to maintain clarity. This is also less expensive enough, an important consideration because it can cost more money to establish a saltwater aquarium and every advantage must be taken. Finally, the nature of the silicone sealant used in the glass tank allows aquariums to expand more easily when water is added.

Acrylic tanks come with their own advantages. Almost no limit to the size and shape of an acrylic tank can take, allows for a greater number of tanks in the creativity of design. This is also a more durable than glass, an important consideration if the aquarium will be displayed in public places or if the owners have children. Where a small bump in May cracked glass or acrylic tank damaged the vessel made of hardier items. It is also easier to adjust the filtering options in an acrylic tank, because they do not need to have a specific number available tools needed to cut glass.

Whether or acrylic-glass, which will become a saltwater aquarium owners may have the option to buy pre-drilled tank to prevent overflow, giving the tank a far more subtle than the appearance antiquated but still popular "hang in the back" method.

Buying an aquarium can be a tricky business, but the truth is that during this ecosystem that is designed properly and the tank cleaned thoroughly before use there is no right or wrong choice. This is all a matter of personal preference.